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Homedeep water route

Deep Water Route when Approaching & Departing

Shoaling is taking place in the middle of the “traditional” channel that we have all used when approaching/departing WPYC from the West.  Depths as little as 3-4 feet have been measured at low tide and one of our members had propeller damage from hitting the bottom.  Also, due to the warm water and shallow depth, water weeds and grasses are fouling our usual path.

Using a depth sounder, we explored alternate routes between the San Joaquin Deep Water Channel and WPYC, finding a relatively clean, deep path.

The “Deep Water” route is 12-14 ft. deep at low tide and avoids the shoaled area where the “5 MPH” buoy used to be located.  The deeper route is almost completely free from weeds and grasses.

You should have plenty of water if you stay about 20-30 ft. off the levee of “Rindge Tract” to the North.  Watch your depth sounder carefully as you transit the area.

Do not cut the corner when passing to the North of the two small islands to the West of North Spud Island (WPYC).  As shown on the diagram above, it is very shallow between the two small islands.